Burgin Independent Bulldog NTI Days

Rain, sun, sleet or snow - Burgin students are ready to go!

What is a Bulldog Non Instructional (NTI) Day

At Burgin Independent, we believe in the power of learning at any time and in any place. We are participating in NTI days as a result of a waiver granted by the Kentucky Department of Education and approved by the Burgin Board of Education.

How will I know that Burgin Independent is using the Bulldog NTI Day Plan?

Bulldog NTI day will be announced in all the same ways a snow day is communicated. We will use the OneCall telephone call, social media announcement, local media (TV, radio), and the Burgin Independent website to clearly state that schools are closed, and that an NTI day will be used.

What is my child expected to do on a Bulldog NTI Day?

Grades K-5 NTI Packets will include activities in the content areas for a total of 3-4 hours/day. Assignments will include a variety of content assignments, games, paper/pencil type activities with options for online learning activities, if you have Wifi access. Online links will be provided on the Burgin Website or in their packet.

6-12 NTI Packets- each teacher will have an assignment from their classes that will be either in the form of a packet or online with Google Classroom. Students must request a packet if they do not have Internet access at home.

Day 1: Pink      Day 2: Purple Day 3: Green    Day 4: Blue Day 5: Red Day 6: Yellow

What is my role as a parent during a Burgin NTI Day?

Encourage and support your student.  Most of the activities being assigned are designed to be completed at an independent level.  Students may need your assistance in gathering materials and/or with time management.

Parents, you are asked to write the date and to put your signature on each assignment completed for each NTI Day AND return the dated and signed NTI packet to school on the first day back.

How can my child receive help with his/her learning, if needed?

Send a remind message, dojo message, or email to your child’s teacher.  

Leave a message with the school secretary for your teacher, at 859-748-5282.